Monday, August 8, 2011


This is a protest that is in opposition to the current policies enacted by our government. We are advocating pro middle class, pro union, pro transparency ideals while opposing the current pro corporation, pro wealthy, pro special interests that dominate our government. Anti democratic tactics employed by the Republicans, the Tea Party, and their well funded media organizations have gone far enough. Join us to bring democracy to our political process and voice your discontent with the current direction a small minority of our country are attempting to take us in without compromise.

We are aiming to hold this protest in late May-June, so please spread the message ahead of time to gather support so we can together march on D.C. and tell them enough is enough.

Like the facebook page, follow the twitter account, forward the link, anything you can do to get the message out there!


This is a protest that will be held in Washington D.C. in the coming months to protest the creation of the 'super committee', the Supreme Court's non disclosure act for corporate political donations, and the tea party's incessant attacks on compromise. All these attest to the slow dismantling of the democracy we claim to be. Transparency, social justice, and compromise are all extremely important facets of our democracy that are being taken away from us by tyrannical, uninformed, and manipulative forces. The Tea Party believes that they are the 'real' Americans and they understand how to fix our country's problems without any consideration of alternative opinions. Their facts are based on nothing more than Rupert Murdoch's anger machine that spews irrationality, incoherence, intolerance, and pushes a radical political agenda. We're here to counter act their tactics of misinformation, discrimination, and their exclusion of other Americans in our political process. We want to show them that they are not America, we are all a part of America, and we must share together in the decisions that govern this country. To sum it up this movement is pro-transparency, pro-tolerance, and pro-compromise to benefit the collective will of all Americans. We are currently obtaining the permit and as soon as the date for the protest is set all members will be notified.

By joining this group you are supporting the protest in opposition to the recent decisions made by our government which are in effect destroying our democracy. The recent decision handed down by the Supreme Court that states corporations and business entities can donate unlimited funds to political campaigns without disclosure is a complete disregard of transparency and fairness in our political process. The expansion of our military presence around the world with the invasion and extended occupation of Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan demonstrate the seemingly endless executive and military power in this country. The recent debt ceiling deal which no compromise was made by the Tea party led to the delegation of economic authority to a select 12 members of Congress named the 'Super Committee', altering the fundamentals of our democracy and constitution. Why is it that there is no debate? No deliberation? No oversight? Every legislative member of Congress has a right to openly deliberate on policies proposed, and now Congress has forfeit their constitutional rights to a select few Congressmen. This is treading into a gray area and will eventually lead to the erosion of our democracy.

This is a protest movement that is looking to overturn these decisions and reverse these policies that are in their very essence undemocratic. This is a reactionary force against the forces that seek to cripple our government and make it weak enough for the powerful corporations to control it. This is a movement calling for transparency, social justice, and fairness to be exemplified and adhered by our government and business leaders. Once this permit is obtained, we will organize a mass march on Washington to voice our discontent with the current policies and highly undemocratic processes and forces that are paralyzing our government. More details below.

The erosion of our democracy is taking place before our eyes. From the judicial branch, to the legislative branch, to the executive branch of government we are beginning to see our rights and freedoms stripped away and handed over to special interest groups, corporations, and the wealthiest among us. From the Supreme Court's decision to overturn federal finance campaign laws to allow corporations to donate unlimited funds to candidates, to the invasion of Libya by President Obama, to the creation of a 'super committee' that allows congress to be relieved of it's duty by deferring power to a select few congressmen to unilaterally decide our economic fate all attest to the dismantling of our democracy. The tyranny of a small minority (the tea party) that is indirectly supporting a grassroots campaign for the wealthiest has been tragically effective at furthering the interests of a few while oppressing the many. The military industrial complex has taken a hold over our government's priorities at the expense of education, health care, and our infrastructure. We must let it be known that we as Americans will no longer be duped into believing that what is good for the top 1% of this country in fiscal terms is good for us. For too long have the poor, the minorities, and the working class of this country been marginalized and demonized. It is time to take a stand and tell Washington we've had enough of the auctioning of our democracy to the highest bidder. No longer will the dollar outweigh the voice. We must let it be known that while they may have the money power, we have the people power.

We urge you to please join us in our march to bring democracy to our nation's political process. We may not be able to change the system, but we can certainly disrupt the system in an effort to set back this wave of corruption, secrecy and hypocrisy. We must let them know that we see the injustice, the unconstitutionality, and the lack of morality in our government. The people who make this country the great nation that it is, the working class, the hard working immigrants, and the small business owners are all included in what needs to be defended against this tyranny of the minority. Please join us and spread the message. The Protest for Democracy is here.

-The Protest for Democracy."

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